Back to School Songs for Elementary Music



5 Back to School Songs and Chants


That first day of school can be rough! So I try to do anything I can to lighten my load during it. Several years ago, I created a small binder with all of my back to school songs for music class. I included welcome songs, name games, simple chants, and introductory movement activities. This preparation took a major load off my mind when returning to school that first week of music class.


I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite back to school songs and activities. You can use each of these activities with students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Most years, I choose one or two of these activities to use with each class. You can really pick and choose what you like for each year or what work with your students.



Back to School Song #1: “Hey There Friend”

First, I love the chant “Hey There, Friend.” I was first introduced to this about 7 years ago by a kindergarten teacher friend. I have used it almost every year since, and students just love it. Although it has a lot of words, I start by speaking it and students mirror me with the motions. It gets students interacting with each other and moving around. Eventually, most students will start singing once they become more familiar with the lyrics. Hopefully, this opening activity  will help them gain confidence and be comfortable in the music room.


2. “Hickety Pickety Bumblebee”

Another back-to-school song  that I use is a very simple one  called “Hickety Pickety Bumblebee.” There are a lot of variations to this song, from melody to lyrics. Basically, everyone sits in a circle, and the teacher at first, eventually the entire class, sings:

                       Class:                Hickety pickety, bumblebee,

                       Class:                Can you sing your name for me?

                       Student #1:      My name is _________.

                       Class:                Your (or her/his) name is__________.


This song is just perfect for getting to know the names of your youngest students – which seems like a daunting task at first. You can also simplify the words by singing “bee, bee, bumblebee” instead. I have a bee hand glove/puppet that will “fly” around the room to point to someone to sing their name and last phrase. 


Hickety Tickety Bumblebee



Back to School Song #3: “Jump In, Jump Out”

Now, let’s jump into the next back to school song. It’s called “Jump In, Jump Out.” Even  my 2nd through 4th graders have a blast with this one. It adds a little bit of simple movements – jumping (obviously), turning around, and pointing. To begin, one student is in the center of a circle of students. Students speak the chant, and after the last line, “introduce yourself,” the center student tells all about herself:

                       My name is ____________,

                       And I can ______________,

                       And I like ______________.


But actually, before we put this whole game and chant together, we discuss how we all have different hobbies, interests, and favorites. I call on a few students to share their favorite food, subject, sport, etc. Then students learn the lyrics and practice speaking their own part all at once. This relieves some pressure of having to think of something on the spot while everyone is waiting. 


Next, we are ready to try it out all together. To start, I always take the spot in the middle. This gives the class an idea of what to do. I demonstrate the motions, and I help the class with their “yeah” part after each of my lines. For example:

                       TEACHER                                               STUDENTS

                       My name is Miss Jones,                         Yeah!

                       And I can dance,                                     Yeah!

                       And I like pretzels.                                  Yeah!

                                                                                         All right, all right, all right! 


You can find a great example of the motions for this welcome chant in this video.


Jump In, Jump Out (Ice Breaker Name Game)



Back to School Song #4: “Hello There”

Next, I love using the song, “Hello There.” This song came from a Spotlight on Music curriculum book. It is a simple one full of echoes, making it just the perfect welcome song for the first day of music class. 

Especially if students need a movement break, you can add simple motions for each word or phrase in the song. 

                       Hello there,                                                       Wave hand

                       How are you?                                                   2 hands up in air, questioning

                       It’s so good                                                       Stomp feet 2x

                       To see you.                                                       1 hand to head/eyes, 2x

                       We’ll sing and…                                                Microphone hand

                       Be happy…                                                        2 jazz hands near smiling face

                       That we’re all here together today.                2 big rainbow hands, up and down


Hello There!



Back to School Song #5: “Up the Ladder”

Finally, “Up the Ladder” is just great for your back to school music lesson with 2nd to 5th graders. The melody, motions, and lyrics are not tricky, and students should learn it quickly once they hear it. Like always, if you search this song, you will find several versions. I love keeping a consistent tempo and accompanying the song by playing a djembe with the A section. Also, this gives students a clue on when the speaking B part comes up. 

I use the same melody and motions shown here in the video below. Students sit in a circle, and we all sing the A section:

                       Up the ladder, down the ladder,

                       One by one, the ladder,

                       Up the ladder, down the ladder,

                       We can say our name, and then

                       Have some fun.


For the B section, four students (right in a row around the circle)  speak the phrase below and they fill in their name:

                       Student #1:                        My name is ___________.

                      Class responds to #1:        His name is ___________.

                       Student #2:                        My name is ___________.

                      Class responds to #2:        Her name is ___________.

                      (Etc. to student #4)


Then the A section is repeated again, and this continues until all students have had a turn.


Up the Ladder, Down the Ladder


Well, here’s one more bonus song that I love using in September with my students. It’s called “Rock to Get Ready for School.”  It has a very simple melody that kids really enjoy.

#shorts - Rock To Get Ready for School   The Kiboomers Preschool Songs & Nursery Rhymes With Actions



I hope you have a chance to try some of these welcome songs and chants with your students. If you do, I’d love to hear how they went! You can find me on Instagram @bethsmusicclassroom or email me at I hope your first days and weeks of school are amazing!

If you’re looking for more chants, check out this post: Favorite Chants for the Elementary Music Classroom.






5 Back to School Songs and Chants


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