Beth’s Blog
Rhythm Is Life: Preparation Strategies that will Transform Your Kindergarten Rhythm Lessons
Preparation Strategies that will Transform Your Lessons Welcome and thanks for being here! If you haven’t read part 1 of this rhythm series, you can find it here. It’s all about the benefits of teaching rhythm and the 3 P’s of the Kodaly method. Today, we’re jumping...
Rhythm Is Life: Starting off Right – Teaching Rhythm With the 3 P’s of the Kodaly Method
Teaching Rhythm Using the Kodaly Method Today, I’m kicking off a 3-part series all about teaching rhythm to your youngest students. I will be discussing helpful strategies and tips for using the 3 P’s of the Kodaly method and also for making it simple and real for...
Let’s Dance! Folk Dancing in the Elementary Music Room
Folk dancing is a wonderful way to get your students up and moving and also to help them shake off all that extra energy they have. Plus, you may actually have folk dancing in your school curriculum. I just love adding folk dances into each of my elementary classes,...
Enchanting Garden Music Activities for Elementary Students
Enchanting Garden Music Activities for Elementary Students Spring is here, and so is the time for planting a garden. Have you ever thought of using garden music themed activities in your spring lessons? In this post, I’m sharing several enchanting garden songs and...
3 Exciting Cinco de Mayo Songs to Spice up Your Classroom
Exciting Cinco de Mayo Songs to Spice up Your Classroom Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican culture, filled with music, dance, and lots of other festivities. As elementary music teachers, we have the great opportunity to introduce our students to...
Bird Songs and Activities Your Students Will Love
Bird Songs and Activities Your Students Will Love If you’re sick of winging your spring music lessons, then read on. Today, I’m sharing lots of bird songs and music activities that you can use in your elementary lessons. From rhythmic practice games to songs...
Testing Season: Adapting Activities for a Quiet Music Class
Testing Season: Adapting Activities for a Quiet Music Class It’s that time of the year again. You guessed it - testing season. The last few years, April came up on me way too quickly. At the last minute, I tried to adapt my regular active and loud lessons to quieter...
Rainy Day Music Activities Students Love
Rainy Day Music Activities Students Love Spring is almost here! I feel like in the northeastern US, we wait so long for it. But this year, Easter is early, so I’m hopeful. I have all of my rainy day music activities and songs ready to go for April. If you’re looking...
5 Exciting Reads for Jazz Appreciation Month
5 Exciting Reads for Jazz Appreciation Month April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and today, I’ve got five fantastic reads lined up that are ready for your next jazz music lesson. Whether you’re looking to add them to your current music library or check...
Bringing Rattlin’ Bog to Life in the Music Room
Rattlin' Bog - the Irish Song Your Students Love! Today, we're diving into a classic Irish tune and the world of the "Rattlin' Bog.” Now, if you've never heard of this catchy Irish song, then stay tuned - because it brings with it lots of fun and exciting music...