Beth’s Blog
Tips for Starting a Music Bracket Your Kids Will Love
Musical March Madness: Starting a Music Bracket Your Students Will Love Are you ready to spice up your music room this March with a friendly musical bracket championship? Well, you're in for a treat because today, we're diving into the world of brackets – no,...
Using Puppets in the Classroom
Using Puppets in the Music Classroom Recently, I’ve had a problem - a puppet problem. Ok, so I haven’t had to go to puppet therapy or anything, but it’s real. I just love using puppets in my classroom, and my students love them too! I have bought so many...
8 Teacher Tips I Wish I Knew Years Ago
Starting the Year: Teacher Tips for New and Veteran Educators With the start of a new school year, I think of all those little teacher tips I’ve heard or seen over the years. Some I have used and love, and others I still need to try. I want to share a...
3 Types of End of the Year Activities to Keep Your Students Engaged
3 Types of End of the Year Activities to Keep Your Students Engaged As the end of the year gets closer and closer, it can be hard to keep up with your students’ energy, your lesson plans, and cleaning up your classroom. Today, I have 3 types of end of...
Cumulative Songs for the Music Room
Cumulative Songs for Elementary Music As I think back to my favorite songs as a child, they were all ones that just went on and on with silly lyrics and fun motions. They were cumulative songs. I have memories of singing “Father Abraham” in Sunday...
Earth Day Music Activities for the Elementary Classroom
Earth Day Music Activities Over the last few years, I’ve been trying to keep my song list ready for whatever holiday or event comes up. Earth Day is on April 22 every year, and my nature songs and video collection has been growing lately. I thought I’d...
Famous Female Composers and Music Activities
3 Famous Female Composers and Music Activities March is Women’s History Month, and it’s a great time to add some famous female composers to your lessons. Celebrating women composers does not have to be difficult or require lots of prep work. Today, I...
Parachute Music Activities for the Elementary Classroom
Parachute Music Activities When my students come in and hear that we are using the parachute in music class, they are just ecstatic! I love adding some parachute music activities into a lesson because each of my classes thoroughly enjoy it! In this post,...
St. Patrick’s Day Music Activities
St. Patrick’s Day Music Activities This post may contain affiliate links, where I may receive a small commission if you purchase something through following the link at no cost to you. Today, I am excited to share 3 active St. Patrick’s Day music...
Music Activities for the 100th Day of School
Music Activities for the 100th Day of School Do you celebrate the 100th day of school in your music classroom? Are you looking for some 100 days activities and songs? Are you possibly wondering what I’m talking about? Well, if you teach at an...