Another year has come and gone, and now we begin 2018.  Many start with resolutions and hopes; some with fears and uncertainties.  Whatever your mindset is during these first 5 days of 2018, just remember – each day is a fresh start.  You can wake up in the morning to a brand new day.  Whether yesterday was a partial or a total disaster, you have the choice to make today great!  I am trying to start my new year with that perspective, rather than beating myself up today because I didn’t finish my to-do list yesterday.  Make goals realistically and then work towards them.

At my school, I have morning bus duty, as many teachers do.  Each morning I stand out at the bus lot and greet the 1000+ elementary students as they step off of over 50 buses.  It is pretty normal for at least one or more homesick “criers” to lag behind reluctantly.  As they are consoled, I often hear my principal say these words, “It gets better on the sidewalk.”  I’ve heard her say it so many times, but it really struck a chord with me a few weeks ago when I needed encouragement.  In this situation, it was meant to encourage lagging students walking from the bus parking lot to the school sidewalk.  You may not want to, but just keep going – it will get better!  These young students reach the sidewalk, the school entrance, and finally their classrooms, and have totally forgotten their earlier worries.  Sometimes I feel like that: If I can only make it to the sidewalk, to Friday, to the end of this class, to lunch time.  Although we as teachers love our job, I don’t think it is unhealthy to make little goals like the sidewalk.  Just make sure your goals are realistic – or you may run out of tissues before you reach the sidewalk.

My school and town have been battling a Nor’easter and MAJORLY cold temperatures.  We have had the last 2 days off for -25 to -35 degree wind chill (yes, negative!).  So I look ahead to my current sidewalk – Sunday when the temperature will reach 12 degrees – YAY!

This is what I’ve been thinking about over these first few days of 2018, and I hope my thoughts and words make sense.  I’d love to hear from you!  What are your resolutions this new year?


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